Time/Date |
Mon, June 4th
Tue, June 5th
Wed, June 6th
Thu, June 7th
| Friday, June 8th |
8:00: Registration open |
04:30-07:00: Venus transit observation (cf. local announcement) |
09:00 - 10:30 |
Welcome - Bruce Allen, AEI (8:50 - 9:00)
Observational Instruments
(Chair: Fulvio Ricci)
Einstein Telescope - Chris van den Broeck, NIKHEF (30+10)
Effect of the higher harmonics to the source localization accuracy by the network of ground based detectors - Hideyuki Tagoshi, Osaka U. (20+5)
Improving gravitational-wave searches by using multivariate classifiers to incorporate auxiliary channel information - Kari Hodge, Caltech (20+5)
Continuous-Wave Searches
(Chair: Maria Alessandra Papa)
Noise line investigations in Virgo VSR2-VSR4 data - Alberto Colla, U. Roma Sapienza (20+5)
Einstein@Home all-sky search for periodic gravitational waves in LIGO S5 data - Paola Leaci, AEI (20+5)
Mesh adaptive direct search for continuous gravitational waves in small parameter space: follow-up of Einstein@Home candidates - Miroslav Shaltev, AEI (20+5)
Phase-parameter marginalization: a new paradigm for continuous gravitational-wave searches? - Reinhard Prix, AEI (20+5)
Testing GR
(Chair: Patrick Brady)
Testing Gravitational Theories with Pulsar Timing - Rene Breton, U. Southampton (30+10)
Test of scalar-tensor gravity theory from observations of gravitational wave bursts with advanced detector network - Kazuhiro Hayama, NAOJ (20+5)
Understanding black hole rainbows - Ioannis Kamaretsos, Cardiff U. (20+5)
all day meeting at AEI (not the hotel):
GW New Horizons
(note: this is not part of the GWPAW meeting)
10:30 - 11:00 |
Coffee/Tea |
Coffee/Tea |
Coffee/Tea |
Coffee/Tea |
11:00 - 12:30 |
Src Modeling and Data Analysis
(Chair: Duncan Brown)
Numerical relativity and the modeling of GW signals - Harald Pfeiffer, CITA (30+10)
Waveforms emitted by spinning and/or eccentric binary systems with closed or open orbits - Mátyás Vasúth, Wigner RCP, RMKI (20+5)
TIGER: A data analysis pipeline for testing general relativity using compact binary coalescence, Tjonnie Li (20+5)
Galactic Neutron Stars
(Chair: Ben Owen)
Neutron star population in the galaxy - David Kaplan, UWM (30+10)
Search for unknown nearby neutron stars and gravitational wave sources - János Schmidt, Jena (20+5)
Tuning up for Gravitational Wave Detection in Accreting Neutron Stars: A progress report - Duncan Galloway, Monash (20+5)
Detecting and setting upper limits on continuous gravitational waves from unknown spinning neutron stars in binary systems - Evan Goetz, AEI (20+5)
Impact of noise canceling by regression on searches for continuous gravitational waves - Marco Drago, Trento U. & INFN Padova (20+5)
Stochastic GW Background and Supermassive BHs
(Chair: Albert Lazzarini)
CMB weak-lensing constraints on the stochastic GW background - Tarun Souradeep, IUCAA (20+5)
Multi-Messenger (G-rays)
(Chair: Laura Cadonati)
Searches for GWs from GRBs - Michal Was, LAL U. Paris-Sud (30+10)
Discovery of radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars in Fermi-LAT data using new methods inspired from gravitational-wave searches - Holger Pletsch, AEI (20+5)
The Black Hole Remnant and the Afterglow of Compact Binary Mergers - Francesco Pannarale, AEI-Golm (20+5)
12:30 - 14:00
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
14:00 - 15:30 |
What Waveforms do Data Analysts Want?, or the dangers of systematic errors in parameter estimation - Ilya Mandel, U. Birmingham (20+5)
Between Fisher and Monte Carlo: mapping the distribution of the maximum-likelihood estimator in gravitational-wave observations - Michele Vallisneri, JPL (20+5)
EM Follow-Up
(Chair: Benoit Mours)
Electromagnetic follow-ups of GW events - Alessandra Corsi, Caltech (30+10)
Gravitational Wave Emission from Pulsars with Glitches - Jinho Kim, Seoul U. (20+5)
NS and BH Mergers
(Chair: Chad Finley)
The Big Dog "GW event" - Stephen Fairhurst, Cardiff U. (30+10)
DCO merger rates: consequences of recent developments in stellar evolution - Michal Dominik, U. of Warsaw (20+5)
Pulsar Timing Arrays - Joris Verbiest, MPIfR (30+10)
Resolving multiple massive black hole binaries with pulsar timing arrays - Alberto Sesana, AEI Potsdam (20+5)
Pulsar Timing Array mock data challenge: setup and analysis - Rutger van Haasteren, AEI (20+5)
Multi-Messenger (Neutrinos)
(Chair: Nobuyuki Kanda)
Recent Icecube results; implications of non-detection of high energy neutrinos from GRBs - Nathan Whitehorn, UWM (30+10)
Multi-messenger astronomy: first joint analysis between gravitational waves and high energy neutrinos - Irene Di Palma, AEI (20+5)
Stellar Core Collapse
(Chair: Peter Shawhan)
Optical, X, gamma, neutrino follow-ups of KAGRA candidate GW sources - Nobuyuki Kawai, Tokyo IT (30+10)
15:30 - 16:00 |
Coffee/Tea |
Coffee/Tea |
Coffee/Tea |
Coffee/Tea |
16:00 - 17:30 |
Low-latency GW searches and EM follow-ups - Jonah Kanner, GSFC (30+10)
Swift follow-up observations of candidate gravitational-wave transient events - E Katsavounidis, MIT (20+5)
Optimal detector networks for sky localization and amplitude reconstruction of transient gravitational waves - Sergey Klimenko, U. Florida (20+5)
Unmodeled searches for intermediate mass black holes with first and second generation detectors - Giulio Mazzolo, AEI (20+5)
(Chair: Marie Anne Bizouard)
Measuring the Hubble constant with gravitational waves - Daniel Holz, U. Chicago (30+10)
Measuring cosmological inhomogeneities with gravitational-wave standard sirens - Atsushi Nishizawa, Kyoto U. (20+5)
Multi-Messenger (Radio)
(Chair: Jason Hessels)
Radio transients: looking for counterparts of GW events - Rob Fender, U. Southampton (30+10)
Search for Radio Transients with MWA and ASKAP - Duncan Galloway, Monash (20+5)
Session ends 17:05
The Gravitational Wave and Neutrino Signatures of Stellar Core Collapse - Christian Reisswig, Caltech (20+5)
Results from all-sky search for Gravitational-wave Bursts with first generation interferometric detectors - Francesco Salemi, AEI (20+5)
evening |
GEO tour (cf. local announcement) |
Conference Dinner
Buses leave hotel 17:45